Although she grew bigger and felt ill, she later dicovered it was a phantom am false pregnancy. 尽管她肚子越来越大,感到恶心,但后来发现是精神性假妊娠。
In our experiment, 1.3 copy HBV ( genotype D) was used as target gene, which was transferred into male pronucleus of fertilized eggs, and then the DNA-injected fertilized eggs was transplanted into mouse oviduct under phantom pregnancy, which developed into off-spring. 本实验将1.3copy的D基因型HBV全基因组作为目的基因,采用显微注射技术将其注入小鼠受精卵细胞雄原核,然后将受精卵移植于受体假孕母鼠输卵管内,发育产生子代小鼠。